Sunday, August 5, 2012

Welcome back, me! Now what?

It's been a while since I've blogged. The trigger for this post was someone I messaged on OKCupid who has a beautiful food blog. As I simultaneously read and stuffed sushi into my face, I thought, "Why don't I do this again?"

I still don't have a theme for my blog. I'm a foodie, but don't really cook. I called the blog 'Fathers of Detective Fiction' with an original intent about blogging about detective fiction / crime fiction, but haven't done that yet. Currently, I'm reading 'The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star' by Nikki Sixx & Ian Gittins, which is about as far away from detective fiction as you can get, unless you decide to reflect on the mystery of why Nikki Sixx is not dead yet.

I could blog about karaoke places around the city, except I feel like I could sum them up pretty quickly:

  • Twister Karaoke: decent and fairly clean, with happy pappasan and dour mammasan at the counter. Fairly updated songs.
  • Yonge Karaoke: Songs are pretty dated, with occasional 'new' songs from the last 2-3 years. Bathrooms are sketchy, couches are uncomfy, bring Purel, and FOR GOD'S SAKE DON'T TURN ON THE BLACK LIGHT
  • XO Karaoke: not as good as Twister, since their couches are lumpy, but song selections are okay.
  • BMB Karaoke and Music Studio: alcohol-free rooms are downstairs, acohol fuelled are upstairs. Good second choice if XO is filled up.
  • Place across from BMB (downstairs. Or maybe it's across from XO? I'm usually past the point of fine detail to remember exactly where it is): so-so, but it gets bonus points for having 'Home Sweet Home' by the Crüe, and 'Sail Away' by Styx. Don't judge.
  • Bar Plus: my favourite! Across from Zanzibar's Above the Swiss Chalet at Yonge & Dundas. Has an Android/iPhone app for songs to mark favourites, is clean, bright, and up-to-date tunes. All karaoke places should aspire to be Bar Plus. If I win the lottery, I'm opening up one similar to this.
So if I were a karaoke blogger, I'd have one post. Sure, I could throw in more details about the ambience, the crowd, the drink selection, etc., but that's pretty much it. Go to Bar Plus if you're downtown, XO if you're around Bloor & Christie, and Twister if you're at Yonge & Finch.
Me and my pal Brett, Twister Karaoke, sometime in 2010, I think
Maybe there is no theme. I'd like a theme, though. If anyone I know reads this and thinks I'm missing something obvious, let me know.

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