For no particular reason, I will write the rest of this blog in poem form.
For breakfast, We both had a cold slice of 'za
And took off for Meteor Crater National Monument, Arizona
(I personally dislike when people rhyme syllables that are identical,
As I just did that, I will be confined to a special level of Hell).

We realized we missed the 10:15 guided tour.
So we saw some exhibits and a big hunk of meteorite,
And took off for Winslow again (our timeline's not so tight
Since we're backtracking again on Route 66

To get to Memphis for an Elvis fix).
In Winslow, we stopped at La Posada Hotel
Which Ivan thought was particularly swell.
It's an old railroad hotel with some mesa views;
Lindbergh stayed there; also Einstein and Howard Hughes
(Two random facts: my favourite 'Happy Days' character was Potsie's,
And Charles Lindbergh sympathized with the Nazis).
Stewart's Trading Post was going to be a photo op
For cheesy plastic dinosaurs, but we missed the stop,
So on the I-40, we continue to drive
At 120 km/hr (in miles, that's 75).

But we think we've already eaten at an Earl's, but we don't know where.
Earl's was closed, so we sloughed it
To the Route 66 Casino for a tasty buffet.
I dropped twenty bucks on the roulette table,
And walked away with ten, so I felt pretty stable
Until I walked by the dollar slots
And the ten I won soon turned into the ten I lots.

Which at 2 1/2 hours, is pretty fari
The Blue Swallow Motel is where we'll stay
Bring on the jokes (e.g. our road trip is gay).

(You can probably make jokes about that name, too).
So goodnight: I will likely sleep like a log;
I'm sorry I don't have more pictures today to post for this blog.
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